Sunday 22 November 2015

The Killing Blow Lands‏ ...

This weekend sees two new miniatures go on pre-order, plus five that were previously only available in boxed games. There is also War Zone Damocles: Mont'ka, two huge scenery sets, new Datacards for the Farsight Enclaves and Cadian Shock Troops and a new short story compilation from Black Library focusing on the Astra Militarum. Phew!

I wasn't kidding with the "Lands" word...

The first of the two new miniatures is the Blood Angels Chaplain with Jump Pack, which comes out alongside the Blood Angels Captain in Terminator Armour (previously only available in the Deathstorm boxed game). The second new miniature is a new plastic Tech-Priest Enginseer, which comes in a box along with a Leman Russ Battle Tank – the Leman Russ Tech-Command set. The box also includes a Squadron Command Frame, a handy upgrade sprue that includes a radar dish and aerial for Imperial Guard tanks, plus upgrades for Eldar, Tau, Space Marine and Chaos Space Marine vehicles. 

What used to be just one thin book is now 2!
The war in the Damocles Gulf also continues this week with Mont'ka, the second two-book set in the Damocles series. Following on from the events that took place in Kauyon, Mont'ka sees Commander Shadowsun return to Agrellan as the forces of the Imperium prepare to reclaim their lost world. The first book contains the story of the war on Agrellan, along with some exceptional artwork, while the second book includes all the rules and scenarios. 

Farsight Lives!
The Farsight Enclaves return in the Mont’ka campaign. Come see the new rules for Farsight’s suits, and their formation:

  • Battlesuit Spearhead: In a Farsight Enclaves Detachment or Formations, XV8 Crisis Battlesuits are troops choices instead of Elites choices.
  • Talisman of Arthas Moloch: The Talisman of Arthas Moloch confers 5+ inv. save. In addition, the bearer and all firendly units within 12'' add 2 to their Deny the Witch rolls. (It’s sounds a LOT like a Collar of Khorne doesn’t it?)
  • Warscaper Drone: Nominate a Drone purchased by the character from the Drones list - this is a Warscaper Drone in addition to its usual type. All models in the same unit as the Warscaper Drone have the Move Through Cover, Outflank and Acute Senses special rules. Furthermore, any enemy unit that is both outside of its deployment zone and within 12'' of a Warscaper Drone treats difficult terrain as dangerous terrain. (Scouts and Infiltrators Beware!)

Pictures are already out in the wild and the Tau have some new BRUTAL Formations to run – check this out!

That Riptide formations looks Mean! I guess they got jealous of the Stormsurge’s double tap and wanted to get in on that action as well... and the Warscaper Drone is the king of dirty tricks! Look for all suits all the time with Farsight Enclaves armies.

The Return of the Eight!

While the details are up in the air, at least we can make out the title of the formation as “The Eight” and it looks a lot like the one from the Farsight Enclave book.

What made this formation special was that all 8 members were Unique Special Characters and as such each character had the Independent Character special rule. They also had access to duplicate Signature Systems and the limit on those systems did not apply to this unit – another neat trick they had! I guess we will have to wait to see how much of that carries over into the updated version – but based on the codex release, I’m guessing quite a bit! But here's something for now...

Via Imeran on Bolter and Chainsword 11-18-2015
The Eight are:
  1. Commander Farsight (Crisis Suit with plasma rifle, shield generator  and Dawn Blade)
  2. Sub-Commander Torchstar (Crisis Suit with dual Flamers)
  3. Commander Sha’vastos (Crisis Suit with a Plasma Rifle and a Flamer)
  4. Commander Brightsword (Crisis Suit with two Fusion Blades in their twin-linked Fusion Blasters)
  5. Commander Bravestorm (Crisis Suit with Iridium Armor, a Plasma Rifle, a Flamer and teh Onager Gauntlet)
  6. Commander Arra’kon (Enforcer Battlesuit with a Plasma Rifle, an Airbursting Fragmentation Projector and a Cyclic Ion Blaster)
  7. Shas’vre Ob’lotai 9-0 (Broadside Battlesuit with twin-linked Smart Missile Systems, twin-linked High-Yield Missile Pods and a Seeker Missile) [“He” is an A.I.]
  8. Honor-Shas’vre O’Vesa (Riptide Battlesuit with Earth Caste Piloting Array, Ion Accelerator and twin-linked Fusion Blasters)
They all come with some drones, too.
Iirc their stats are’nt all “Commander Stats” even though they’re called that. So no BS5 across the board, unless I remember that wrong or they changed it.

Edit. I forgot! They also come with some of the campiest names ever, even for 40k…

From what I can decipher they at least get Independent Character*, Fearless and Prefered Enemy from the Formation, further buffing any units they’re joining. Unless these words are something similar in silhouette and length. There’s two more paragraphs but I can’t decipher them without my head hurting…

* seeing that this is likely “Independent Character” I’d guess there is NO further Farsight Enclaves update coming and this is their way to make The Eight still playable while the old Farsight Enclaves Supplement will be invalidated. It’s easy, really. Create a formation with the restrictions being a certain loadout, give all the suits the special rule for ICs and make them a choice of 0-1… Bam, done.

Looks like some solid releases coming out way for Black Friday weekend. Checkout a ton more White Dwarf issue 95 pictures below as well! Thank you for your time and until the next publication

Joaquim de Oliveira

Traitor or hero? You decide...

This publication was only possible thanks to:

GW and 
BOSL (part123 and 4)

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