Friday, 27 May 2016

New Bases, New Terrain ... a New Ground?

Hello my friends! GW closes out their fiscal year with a week of strong hobby products and one intriguing teaser for next week and also a (possible?) list for the next 6 months... Stay tunned!

Insert the deep breath before the plunge quote here...

Remember this (not soo) old gem?

Remember the old Imperialis Basing Kit...

You won't believe what Games Workshop is making now! This could be the most forward thinking idea from the lads at Nottingham yet, come see!

Wow Sixty Bases??? That’s like a whole army’s worth!

$33 for 60 bases? That’s about 50 cents a base for some sweet textured goodness! And notice the details!

Much Grim Dark, Very Bases!

Wow, GW is coming out of nowhere with some great ideas for the hobby (and not that bad for our wallets). This is such a great idea that has been coming for a long time. Kudos to GW for making it easy to base (or re-base) your armies now, in a fraction of the time.

Hopefully we’ll see more base sizes in a future (or this release) because let’s face it, there are more bases to the game than just 32mm ... right? Of course there will be much more: check next week's releases list:

This Week’s Products and Prices

Round 32mm Basing Kit (x60 $33 ~ 26€)
Large Basing Kit (contains bits to for standard bases - $33 ~ 26€)
Oval Basing Kit 60mm 75mm, and 90mm ($33 ~ 26€)
Round Basing Kit 25mm, and 40mm Bases ($33 ~ 26€)

Soo much goodness... soo little money...

New Layers, Technical and Glosses

  • Metal Layer Paints ($5.75  ~ 4,5€ each)
  • Gemstone Paints ($4.25 ~ 3,3€ each)
  • Gloss Shades ($7.25 ~ 6€ each)

And next week’s teaser...

“Master of Machines, Lord of the Brood and Crate Expectations”

That sounds like Adeptus Mechanicus and Genestealer Cult to me… and the crates? maybe they're talking about these:

Those Armored Containers aren’t just for show – they are coming with unique rules

After the big tease earlier this week about these new Armored Container Kits, we now have a bit more info (and some better pics!) Let’s take a look:

Spikey Bits is also reporting the following:

An industry insider tells Spikey Bits that this new kit was to retail for $33, and will indeed have rules.  It will also contain the following components :
  • 3 Armored Containers
  • 9 Promethium barrels
  • 6 large supply crates
  • 6 small supply crates
Furthermore all new terrain kits and sets will come with rules datasheets moving forward (just like how existing terrain already has datasheets in the BRB and Stronghold Assault).
Click to enlarge...

So the container rules are pretty interesting! The Ammo Dumps have a nice boost for your shooting units as well – re-rolling failed To Hit rolls of 1 is nice. But really, did you see the Fuel Drum rules? Here’s the important part:
"Any Flamer weapon (as defined in the Warhammer 40,000: The Rules) fired by a non-vehicle model within 2″ of a fuel drum in the shooting phase can change it’s weapon type from assault to heavy, or from pistol to heavy. If it does so, the weapon gains the Torrent special rule until the end of that phase."

Or Nids ...

Now it is a fortification… If you don’t just want to use them as generic “Terrain Bits” (or awesome basing fodder) you can buy 1 Container, 4 Crates and 3 barrels for 40 points. All of this for about with an ebay price of £20!!!! yes please! This could be a fun addition to any armies that may want to Drop Pod in shoot Torrent Flamers everywhere.

The contents of the box...

Finally, yet another batch of rumors is making the rounds today. Here’s one rumormonger’s rundown of Q3-4 from GW:

via Squiggly (DISQUS) 5-17-2016

  • Rubics tail end of year, C.S.M revamp next. As others and I have said before.
  • There’s not really any room this year. You have two lots of Heresy stuff, the first of which I think is soon. Although perhaps abit later than I was originally expecting. I heard the next 2 weeks of May are; ST Expansion and then the RoB board. So I don’t think there coming this month, April-May just referred to the rules. I thought they’d drop with the rules but obviously not. Unless they come right at the start of the June, but I don’t think that would work… On top of that; Fenris pt 2, AoS 2nd edition/3 ways to play/whatever you want to call it, Slyvaneth, Metal Duardin, A mountain of Tzeentch releases. As a GUESS maybe they’ll get a repack for Chaos marines.
  • That’s not even counting in for new codex launches for Genestealer Cults and Deathwatch (Not saying there this year, I have no idea atm.) Shadowkin, which will later tie into Slaanesh stuff. On top of that, more Greenskins, a Summer Campaign. I don’t even think all that is going to fit in this year. Nevermind a CSM release, maybe a quick slapdash codex at most.
  • -Disclaimer: Releases are not necessarily listed in order.
  • – 2nd Disclaimer- I haven’t actually heard the Heresy stuff isn’t coming this month either. I just know the Battle Board is coming and I can’t see them releasing that and Heresy in the same week.
  • …AoS 2nd ed (It’s not called 2nd ed, just my name for it) should drop mid-late June, Slyvaneth straight after leading into July, then the Summer campaign.
  • So that’s a very large set of releases for 6 months. All of these have been mentioned in the past except for Shadowkin. In no particular order this list it covers the following. We have bolded the items that have been 100% confirmed via photographs.
  • Warzone Fenris Pt.2
  • Rubric Marines
  • CSM Revamp
  • Codex Genestealer Cults
  • Codex Deathwatch
Age of Sigmar:
  • General’s Handbook
  • Realm of Battle Board
  • Summer Campaign
  • Sylveneth (editor’s note: these are the next AoS faction – more on them soon)…
  • Steelhead Duardin
  • Tzeentch stuff
  • Shadowkin
What do you reckon? Personally I'm waiting for pictures... until then is only guessing...

The biggest product of the week is the packs of 60 32mm scenic bases! That is a really aggressive pricing move, aimed right at the heart of the rebasing aftermarket. Go do some comparison shopping out there for 32mm bases and see.

About the new crates I'm probably going to get a box just because I thought the kit was going to make some great terrain and basing materials... And I guess that's all for now. Thank you for your time and hoping to write to you soon.

Joaquim de Oliveira

In the grim darkness of the far future there is only war ... and docks? Crates? Trade?

This publication was only possible thanks to:

Spikeybits (Parts 1 and 2)
Natfka.blogspot (Parts 1 and 2)
BoLS (Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4)

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