“Dakka Dakka Dakka Dakka! Zzap, Kapow, Krakoooooooom!”
Look to the skies! White Dwarf 118 screams down from the scorched clouds with the lowdown on two fantastic new flyers for Warhammer 40,000. The Stormhawk Interceptor and the Wazbom Blastajet – one of them is an expression of Space Marine supremacy, and the other is a load of bits of metal bolted together in the shape of an aeroplane...
So... Ork and Marine flyers ZOOOOM onto the tabletop! Lets meet the latest 40K goodies!
Products & PricesThey came from the sky!
- Space Marine Stormhawk Interceptor ($55)
The new flying Metal Box!!!!
- Ork Wazbom Blastajet ($65)
Looks great... but why the yellow?!
- Death From the Skies ($58)
The new book...
- Gork & Mork dice Set ($20)
- Guilliman Primarch series Book ($65)
- Silent War HH Novel ($30)
- Deff Skwadron Graphic Novel ($24)
We're back !!!
Alright alright alright! We get not only 2 new flyers, but the campaign book that provides new datasheets for all the flyers in the game, with new stats added. That’s going to re balance things quite a bit... maybe ...
But, what's it all about? Lets check it out!
Click to enlarge!
You can see an interesting aerial dynamic shaping up in the skies:
- New Stats for flyers: Combat Role, Pursuits & Agility
- New “Dogfight Phase”
- Fighters are lethal vs other aircraft with Skyfire.
- Bombers will be deadly vs ground targets of all types, but be vulnerable to Fighters
- Attack Flyers will be the halfway house between the two, not as strong as bombers vs ground targets, but more manoeuvrable and thus harder to bring down in a dogfight. The real trick with this type of spectrum is to balance the Attack Fighters to be “just useful enough” so people will take them in the first place, but with enough deficiencies that the other two extremes are still viable choice and reward the risk players take in adding them to your lists.
- New Attack Patterns:
- That quip about “no use taking cover” is interesting…
- The book says there will be 23 updated datasheets, so it’s time to count them up:
Marines: 3 now, SW 2, DA 2, IG 2, Eldar 2, DE 2, Necrons 2, Tau 2, Chaos 1, and Orks 4 which equals 22 total. So either we counted wrong or there is another flyer zipping around there somewhere.
- New Missions, Campaign Rules & More.
I guess that “Summer of Flyers” Rumour wasn’t so far off after-all. This is definitely a different book than the previous Death from the Skies book, so don’t get those two mixed up. What’s really interesting is that this supplement is adding a new phase to the game and what that implies. Flyers needed something to shake things up in a good way – maybe these new rules will “kick the tires and light the fires” after all…
And, as usual, we are left with an intriguing teaser...
Have fun with that one…
The Space Marine Terminators take on the Genestealers in this action-heavy first-person shooter
Thank you for your time and hoping to write to you soon.